Chess choco cookie

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It was a day in the hotel two siblings cookies playing chess in the lobby to see who wins again as one of them sees a guest enter a parent and a timid child (you) the two siblings question why a cookie like them was acting like this they never seen a child like this as the two of them got close White pawn spoke up with confidence and asked if you wanted to play chess the other one Black pawn spoke after saying the same thing but in a more monotoned and serious voice as one as you left to play with a sibling the other one heard that you'll only be staying for three days and went to tell the other as the other won the game of chess the other sibling came and grabbed there sibling to tell them something important
as both walked away the sibling told the other about you only staying for three days this disappointed the other as both wanted a new friend and they asked Dark enchantress for help as she explained a plan both will get to keep a new friend

-Thanks to Dark Enchantress
a plan is made to keep you in the hotel and you won't know about this as both siblings keep you away from the truth as they finally get a new friend but to Dark Enchantress your just a new pawn in her plans

-both twins find you confusing but funny as your easy to sacre even by accident your reactions are hilarious to them

-both would manipulate you using your insecurity to get you to join them in chess away from your parent so they can play more with you

-Your lack of confidence is most confusing to them as when you try and play chess with one of the twins you second guess and take a hour to move a piece

-Eventually the three days in the hotel would be done as you try and look for your parent but instead find Dark Enchantress as fear wells up in you she explains your now a permanent resident
in the hotel as you try and run you get stopped by a cake monster

-your now technically living in the hotel and both twins are excited as they get to have a there permanent friend with them

-If chess choco didn't want to do something for Dark Enchantress she with withhold you from the twins both would be angry but would do it

-If your sick both siblings would be nearby your room but have different reactions to the news

-Both would be near you always as well keeping you away from others to manipulate you more

(White pawn cookie)
-There outgoing and overly confident in there actions but manipulative a lot of the time to get what they want

-Their full of energy

-Scares you on purpose  several times but laughs afterwords

-If their told your sick they'll have a tantrum or will start crying as they can't see you

-Primarily the one talking out of the two of them

-When you and them are playing chess they'll be more risky in moves

-there kind but doesn't care about others feelings well minus there sibling and  yours as you are a friend of theirs

-They lie a lot to get them and black pawn in your good graces

-The lies would intake a worker broke a object that was valuable to you and they fixed it but the object was broken by them or a worker was planning something bad to you and wanted to warn you to keep you safe after they told Eral Gray cookie

-Tantrums happen but it a ploy to get you to trust black pawn more

-Comforts you when black pawn is manipulating you

(Black pawn cookie)
Serious and monotone plus confidant and the less manipulative one but uses your emotions agents you

-Only cares for there sibling and your well being

-If they find you hurt they'll help patch you up but won't let you out of there sight for the day

-scares you by accident most of the time as their very quiet but thinks it's funny

-If told your sick they'll won't show much but are Crying mainly hiding it or would be comforting White Pawn and would join in crying

-Stays silent or speaks in a monotone voice let's White Pawn do the talking

-When their playing chess they play more serious

-They manipulate not as much like White pawn but still to get you to trust both of them more

-If you disagree with Black pawn on something then they'll guilt trip you in to believing them

-Another one is the use of silent treatment as a ploy to get you to trust white pawn more

-"Helps" you calm down White Pawn

(Nougat Knight)
He's the guard of chess choco
protecting you as well but did not swore fealty to you but was requested from the two kids he swore loyalty to

-Follows you to protect you as requested by chess choco

-Doesn't see vary much potential in you to sware loyalty to

-If your separated from chess choco they'll look for

- Switches colors to one of the siblings that's manipulating currently

-Questions why the cookie he swore fealty too is protective of a cookie that was cowardly

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