Werewolf cookie

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He found you in the frozen cold forest nearly frozen he was concerned that he would attack you if he brought you with him but he wouldn't not stop blaming himself if he left you to crumble in this frozen forest but when you woke up you were in a cabin owned by a kind cookie

-Werewolf cookie can't stop thinking about you even when they left you at a cabin owned by a old cookie

-It's going so far that it's making him have less control from being a werewolf but so he can keep composure he
stalks you from afar

-Kumiho cookie knows about you and Werewolf cookie and knows it well but she's busy with something but brings it up anyways when Werewolf cookie and her talk and it gets in to Werewolf cookie dough

-He'll leave gifts for you but you won't know mostly being small things like home made gifts hand made dolls for example

-If he saw you being attacked
he'll snap becoming a werewolf and killing your assaulter when there alone
after killing a cookie he's now gonna be more wanting to be alone and afar from cookies but can't leave the though of you being hurt more makes him get closer

-As time processes he starts to get more obsessive to the extent of him thinking your not safe but is thinking as well he's being more of a danger

-Ether one night he kidnaps you as your sleeping taking you with him to no longer be found or two he kills the ones you love thinking there a threat and then kidnaps you and lastly he's gone insane and kills you and your loved ones

-If your in Werewolf cookies arms you now live in a cave running away isn't gonna help as Werewolf cookie knows the woods greatly and could sniff you out

(Furball pup)
Furball pup met you when Werewolf cookie found you in the forest and they grew an attachment to you

-They tend to follow even out of the forest

-there a pup still so they tend to want to play and they want to make you smile even sometimes licking you to show affection

-They can sniff anything out
and are found near a restaurant if there in the city
in the forest they sniff you most of the time

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