Ananas dragon cookie

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-One sentence say goodbye to your freedom cause your never leaving his side and I mean NEVER

-How you met the dragon was that you were curious about stories from your home island about a dragon and wanted to see for yourself if it was real
when you got there Ananas
Saw you he became interested in you and observed you from a far when you were nearing his island and pondered on why a cookie would come here and when you made it to the island At first he greeted you kindly and with hospitality
at first he was showing you around but later when you had to leave he destroyed your boat with a boulder you were terrified the stories you heard never spoke about this when you looked back at Ananas who look angry he said something that made your dough stiffen 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗 then you were knocked out when you woke you were in a what looks like a cave and noticed Ananas on his throne looking at you

-to Ananas your worth something much more than riches or any gold much more than royal golden dough

-He attempts to show affection through gifts and by words but won't do so
thinking its not enough

-If you ask for something then Ananas will get it for you even if it's from a nother island you if try and get something Ananas will stop you and get it for you

-If you lesion to him you'll possibly have more freedom on the island but are still observed by someone trustworthy

-If you don't lesion to him and try to escape then you lose more freedom and now you can't leave the cave

-If you keep trying to escape then you'll have a chain to your leg now you can't leave or your in a cage

-If you do escape the prepare to be hunted by a dragon who won't stop until you captured or dead but if you lose Ananas good job you you can't return home for there safety


-Pineapplemur was about to attack you when you came but was stopped by ananas do to his interest in you but now they just like laying on you head and sharing fruits

-Ananas doesn't like it when
Pineapplemur is on you or is touching you but pineapplemur does it anyways

-Unknown to Ananas pineapplemur like to be scratched by you do to not having claws

-Ananas trust Pineapplemur
Enough to have them follow when you go around the island

-Pineapplemur does have the
The same power as Ananas
and they try protect you from danger's that Ananas tells them about

-pineapplemur like's to give you fruit as gifts to be friends

Thank for fandomlllperson for the request

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