Ancients x scarlet witch reader

585 9 13

(This takes place in the past)

Your are a powerful witch able to manipulate energy, levitate, but most importantly you can use chaos magic with a soul jam of your own as you were walking in the woods you spotted the Ancients seeing an opportunity you attack and to collect their striking Golden cheese then Cacao then Hollyberry finally leaving Pure vanilla and White lily but it was futile as pure vanilla used some of magic reflecting your magic back at you as you were taken to the vanilla kingdom each cookie could never get you of their head


-Your kept in the vanilla kingdom dungeon but you would be brought to the other kingdoms

-Your unable to use your chaos magic thanks you some magic cuffs but are still able to levitate and slightly manipulate energy

(Pure vanilla)

-The manipulative one

-Him and White lily share you

-He would slightly manipulate you with different methods

-He does care for your physical well-being

-He'll visit you in dungeons

-When he is crowned king he'll visit you to tell so

-He does attempt to make something to have become powerless

-If you attempt to escape he'll have wafflebots search for you and would tell the others


-The powerful one

-She constantly attempts to get you drunk on berry juice

-When she's drunk she hold on to you saying she loves you while drunk

-She's one to tell you of Pitaya and how she fought him

-You do become a parent to Royalberry

-Be ready for crushing hugs and such

-Guards are near you always so can't run


-He's the more serious one

-Your kept near him or in the same room

-Your now another parent for Dark Choco now

-Guards are kept near you only leaving you alone when he's around

-Affogato does plan to use you to get rid of Cacao under the gise of wanting to help

-You were around when Caramel arrow became a watcher

(Golden cheese)

-She has you stay near her

-Your commonly decorated in golden chains and gems

-You have special rules you must follow

-One is you must I love you to her each day

-You can't run away by levitating out as she can fly

(White lily)

-She's clingy to you

-She does visit you in the vanilla kingdom dungeon

-She visits you often when she feels down or needs to say something

-She doesn't want you to leave the kingdom nor any others

-When she became Dark Enchantress she spared you in her attack on the vanilla castle

(No pets here)+(Thank you to @cessangel9 for the request)

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