Dark Enchantress x pure of heart reader

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Your village believed a pure of heart might save the world that pure of heart is you you might save them from the cake monsters and you were tasked with goal to stop Dark Enchantress as you approached the castle of hers and crept though the halls your attention was grasped by a voice possibly a prisoner you followed to the voice leading to an empty room only a bed, a shelf, and a dresser dressed it with a balcony with cage covering with rope tied to railing you stepped inside as soon as you did the door closed and new voice it was Dark Enchantress you fell for her trap

-Now she has you but why well let's see how you grasped her attention you only met her when she was disguised as White lily and in her garden

-you remind her of Pure vanilla and his kindness, Hollyberries bravery to any cookies while your village just used you for labor, food, or for medical help it increased that she was disgusting by your village

-After sometime she would make a false prophecy about her being defeated by a hero if pure heart you know the rest

-Now with some backstory out of the way heres a couple of words say good bye to your freedom

-She would treat you as a pet/toy at first she has plans to for you but she wants to enjoy you while you show emotions

-You can't really be too far from her as you don't want to disobey

-If she must be far from you she'll have some guards near you commonly pomegranate as she is most trusted

-You'll be sent out time to time with some minions for a task mainly scouting and nothing that involves a fight

-If you try and disobey her you'll be punished physically like how the witches treat cookies then healed after word

-When the time comes she'll break you with different ways seeing cookies killed and forcing you to see the truth of the witches as examples

-Since your broken now your now her plaything for her to use to her desires but a guilt struck her

-After some months she'll feel guilt as she is still White lily and attempts to make it up to you

-She'll start show some affection but only when you two are alone then near the cookies of darkness each one having a different reaction

-Ways of affection are cuddles in bed, forced kisses, ECT

-You commonly have to sleep with in the same bed with her no long separate

-She'll try an start letting you have some space in the day but at night no

-She might give you a cake hound to be emotional support

-If you tried escaping you'll be hunted down as she has an army you don't

-If she cought you you'll be forced to see your village burn you loved ones slaughtered in front of you and would break you again after that

(Eternal eye of darkness)
An eye that seen the light and darkness and it seen the future and what will happen to you

-It seen your fall or rise and what will happen

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