Almond cookie

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You a detective and have done case's in and out of the city one was when you caught Chili Pepper in the deserts of  with this your respected by your coworkers including Almond cookie who was in love for you but his work force's him to not be able to talk much but one day it might change as one day he asked for you help on a case file detailing the theft of the Tea Leaf Knight Helmet from the museum this was a chance to talk for him and you had same interests one was to catch the crook Phantom Blu but Almond as the case progressed noticed how you were putting yourself in danger from jumping off the building to catch the crook who jumped as well another throwing yourself in danger to protect innocent cookies from the thief toppling over bookshelves and throwing objects or using spells aimed at cookies making him concerned for you life and after the case was done he wished to keep you safe from dangers

-He's serious about his job even more now thanks of the case you worked with him on to the extent of sleepless nights

-He wouldn't manipulate you as it could make him lose his job but as he's higher up on the chain of command he changes your cases to be more safe an example dealing with an art theft or examination of a magic incident scene

-He has shown you his daughter Walnut cookie and she wishes to be like some day

-Creampuff has met you from time to time and she's kind helping you on case's

-Latte is kind as well but is concerned for Almond from him overworking

-If he's able to be on brake then he'll come to your office
giving you a coffee as you talk with him thank Latte for the coffee or latte

-He talks about Phantom Blu and says he'll arrest him one day

-He does show some magic case's just in case if a magic incident happens you can preform the needed task to keep cookies safe

-If a magic accident happens he'll take the lead and says to you keep the Y/N get the crowd away from the area or get cookies away from the area

-He won't kidnap you as he wouldn't want to scar his daughter who looks up to him nor want any other cookies wanting him in jail
plus not wanting you to see him as a monster

(Constable whiskers)
A cat that walks the halls of M.E.H offices halls like she owns the place who was welcomed in and was given a warm home in here and stays there thanks to you asking Almond to let the cat stay and everyone else as well

-She tends to lay on everyone's case files even Almonds case files

-She likes to rub herself against you and others

-She has kneaded on you when your asleep in the office sometimes when your awake as well

-You and others tend to play with Constable Whiskers with the toys everyone in the office brought

-Likes to be scratched behind the ears or petted

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