Pastry x actor reader

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Your a actor in the Créme republic quite loved by many as one day a orders nun was walking the streets she saw a poster of a story that had you on it as the lead actor entering the theater she took her seat as the play began she looked at you she unknowingly blushed at you as the play continued she blushed more and more till it ended that lit the spark of obsession with her

-Now how you gained her attention was possibly your beauty or another factor

-She would begin messing up on missions

-She wouldn't be able to focus on things greatly as you took place within her mind

-She knows she shouldn't be having these thoughts of lust and blames herself

-She would use a confessional to tell her believed sins of lust

-She would even tell Revered mother cookie and well she would support her attraction to you secretly

-She would stalk you following you around the republic streets

-If you spotted her she'll act like she wasn't following you and walk past you paying no mind

-She does not follow you on certain days

-She'll ask a shadow sister to help if she is tasked with a mission to stalk you

-She does know where you live as she has left letters to you under your front door

-Said letters are ether about a preference or her love for you

-She would collect objects of yours from scripts and costume parts from theaters to a key or brush from you know where

-Has made a small shrine with the stolen items with a hint of the order

-If say she needs to remove someone she'll do it but she has to reschedule their deaths Revered mother would help

-She does plan on marrying you even if it's by force so you never leave her

(No pets in the orders church)

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