Gc+M+Sc+Bc x child reader

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You're a child forced to wander the deserts in search for your village and found an old temple instead wandering your tired dough from the walking and burning sun you fainted while you were out cold Burnt cheese followed one of his jackals finding your unconscious body concerned he took you to the golden city full of life brining you to Mozzarella cookie to get help she then brought you to Golden cheese who was shock and worried that a child was found nearly crumbled you woke Golden cheese then a ordered to get some water as a servant came with a jug and a cup

(Golden cheese)

-She's deemed you the next in line when the time comes

-She's mainly the one who helps in your care minus servants

-Has played with you do to you know being a child

-Your gonna be raised in the palace and only the palace sometimes other places

-She has forbidden you to enter the coliseum for your safety

-She wouldn't tell about her old kingdom loss as it could be traumatic for your age

-You have a special gold bracelet with a tracker where you can be tracked if you get lost which others might use

-You have a special toy made by golden cheese

-You have mostly yellow clothing with blue and gold accents mimicking her own clothing


-She's your educator sometimes Golden cheese is too

-She has taught you coding

-You have a unique Marzipan cookie made to protect you by the order of Golden cheese from danger that has a command to take you to herself by her

-She has to but heads with Smoked cheese from time to time

-Your not really allowed to look through the error logs even though some are funny so she's shown them to you

-You've seen Smoked cheese and well a cheese bird swap bodies

-Later on when Mozzarella made the command to Marzipan cookie about Golden cheese and Smoked cheese she's also given your Marzipan cookie the command to take you to her

(Smoked cheese)

-He doesn't really care about you but that you're possibly a stepping stone in his plan

-Has tried to manipulate you when Golden cheese is not around and it's coming along just as she's not in the way

(Burnt cheese)

-He still does his duty

-He is sometimes tasked with protecting you

-He has let you pet his jacket

(No pet here)+(Thank you to Stasa1399 for your request)

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