Kumiho x neko mata reader

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Your a neko mata a cat that after some years you were able to become a cookie you were in disguised as a cookie walking through a park till you heard something in the bushes scared you turned into a cat to hide seeing a cookie with cyan hair wish a marshmallow aroma coming from them as they came out of the bush who was looking at you they then spoke with a smile so it's true sweetie your like me~

-She'll would stalk you though other cookies and her aroma using them to find out more about you finding out that your like her

-If you have a apartment or a house she'll break in or sneak in to be with you more

-She'll cuddled up with you in bed as a fox if your asleep

-Will join you outside ether in secret as a fox staying in shadows or in public having her arm around your waste

-She is extremely protective of you in public holding you close maybe groping you

-If you go out as a cat she'll hold you or she'll follow as a fox

-If you have a name from a old family that had you or haven't given yourself one Kumiho will give you one calling you by multiple lovey dovey names like sweetie or darling

-If you attempted to fight her she'll use her marshmallow aroma to stop if this continues she'll use a shock collar or her aroma

-If she finds out some cookie was flirting or is attracted to you she'll be forced to get rid of them

-How she would seduce a cookie to kill that cookie or kill them herself

-Does talk to werewolf cookie about you and werewolves little secret

(Fox bead)
Apart of Kumiho cookie soul they share the same love as Kumiho cookie for you

-It is obsessed with you as it's kumiho soul

-It joins kumiho in sleeping with you in bed

-It has made potions to help kumiho get to you if you were separated

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