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Your a little explorer searching for treasure or fun one day as you looked for cookie land you've been told that it's abandoned but it's not gonna stop you from entering it looking around you checked a building the looked like a old temple but something cought your attention children laughs heading to the source you found it a bunch of kids playing heading to them you met Pancake flying or attempting too accidently hitting you after some apologies and crying you and Pancake became friends

-You and him would meet up at cookie land every week or so

-Both of you would explore cookie land together or play together

-When out of cookie land he would miss you and would try and distract himself my playing at the park

-Would introduce you to the other kids in the park or cookie land

-Commonly When your out with him to find treasure you and him will explore old buildings which he tries to talk you out of

-She helps get treasures from high above from you and give them to you

-Might ask Adventurer about exploring to understand it better

-Shares acorn jellies with you

-He would still fly or attempt too to impress you or to look cool to you

-You do help Pancake by patching him after he fails landing

-You do support him on attempting to fly with help from apples help

-Commonly calls you his best friend in public

-Might introduce you to Rollcake but is scared he might dislike you or your scared of him

-Would invite you to sleep overs

-One thing Pajama buddy or you and him wear the same onesies

-Would generally miss you if your sick and would check up on you each day to know if your ok and would calm down after that

-Would Play with you with his pet as it's has frisbees

(Pancake frisbee)
They get up early each morning to style their hair each day and don't really like it being messed up

-Uses in frisbee

-Gives you tips on how to style your hair a lot

-Dislikes being in the woods messes with theirs syrup

cookie run Yandere headcannons (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now