Orange cookie x chill reader

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She met you hanging out at a bench near the tennis court walking up she greeted you with her energetic self as her heart raced unknowingly to her and after you said hi back to she had to get back to her game but she couldn't keep her focus at the game and she lost and after that she couldn't keep her mind of you

-Shes energetic but near you she's unable to stop her heart from beating so fast

-She commonly with you after her games if she is able to find you if not she'll just with her friends

-If she finds you before a game it'll boost her more and make her competitive in her game

-Packs an extra drink with her for you or for lime if your not there

-Has followed you home with  some clothes from lemon and lime plus grapefruits or her own

-Shes obsessive about you with photos to small objects from your walks home

-After a while she'll introduce you to her friends
Lime is jealous of you lemon doesn't really care grapefruit I excited to meet someone new

-Asks a lot if you can join her at the tennis court and wants you to cheer her

-if you can't she my lose her spark in tennis but when she's with you she regains her spark

-If you cheer her on it'll make her more competitive
and stays near you after the game clinging to you arm

-If not she won't mind but she'll ask if you hate after the match and you'll have to tell her you don't if you unknowingly want to keep your threatened life

-Shes joins you in something calming she likes it but commonly stares at you when you not looking

-Very much like to take walks with you as she gets to be with you more

-When someone flirts with you they'll be crumbled the next day

-She won't get caught as she moves fast from practicing for matches and thanks to her pet

-She kills with her racket or her tennis ball or other tennis equipment like a broken peace of a tennis ball cannon

-When the sports championship comes she'll want you to see her participate and makes her competitive for you

-Lime is very jealous but wants to in your place getting affection from Orange but is forced to accept it

-Lemon doesn't mind you as you and him just talk about music

-Grapefruit Tries to get you to join her in roller skating
but instead joins you on a bench when she needs a drink

(Mini orange mouse)
A gift from one of Oranges birthdays the Mini orange mouse is kind but forces Orange to look for them but joins in with Orange but is unaware about Oranges obsession for you

-Was somewhat an aid in Orange meeting you as they ran off Having Orange to look for them

-Hears a lot about you from Orange

-Likes it when you scratch the bottom of them or pet their head

-Sleeps on you sometimes from head to your lap

-Aids in killing with boost potions but is unaware about  them killing cookies

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