Pink choco

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Pink choco was out testing her new latest love virus pairing couples when she saw you at the park hoping to see if the virus works on you she aimed and fired hitting you but accidentally shocking you instead as she profucly apologied she left back to her lab defeated but not done as she got back to work on a new love virus one that can work on you

-She's in love with you but she doesn't know if you love her back and so she's trying to use her love virus to confirm it

-She is obsessed a bit as she is lonely in her lab and generally having someone with her might help her having pictures and videos of you on a tablet

-When she's near you the heart on her chest is slightly more brighter when not around then it goes back to normal

-If you hold her or carry her suddenly helmets visor closes quickly to hide her blush

-She does use her new love viruses on others and sometimes tests it on you

-Do to how you have the same immunity like werewolf she does test on him a bit only sometimes

-When you're not around she tends to call you her boyfriend/girlfriend

-Has tried why to make dates with you say her calling you over to watch a meteor shower

-IF a virus works on you she'll be ecstatic finally she isn't alone

-She would plan to have you live with her and will be open about how you're now in a relationship with her

-This also boosts her motivation to make a more perfect love virus in the name of love

(pink Candy)
A pet that can send love waves accidentally attracting mentors at cookies just be sure to make a wish

-Pink choco has used her pets waves to make a meteor shower

-Her pet might follow you

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