Alchemist x cloning reader

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You have the ability to clone yourself how? alchemy that's how and your close friends with Alchemist cookie who was an aid in making it well to you her on the other hand if flustered by you and wishes to keep you to herself as who can't say no to the ability you have

-When you and her are working together you use your ability and copy's of you make her heat up blush covering her face


-Vampire is not aware of his siblings attraction to you as he's drunk constantly which makes him forget a lot

-He doesn't mind the clones? as there a help getting him back home from sparklings bar

-Which makes Alchemist more angry as he's just using you

-Alchemist has made plans for kidnapping you

-Shes aware you could use your ability to prevent her from keeping you and is taken notes on a mixture to prevent you from cloning so she can keep you but it saddens her that you lose something you and her worked on

-One day she sent you a card telling to meet her at a cafe you could use your ability to avoid going but it was a close friend when you arrived she got you a coffee you liked that had something slipped in the "cure"

-After a while you'll feel tired
then start to lose balance Alchemist starts carry you home then blackout waking up to Vampire hanging like a bat as you try to escape you couldn't clone as Vampire telling you she removed your ability now your hers

(Energy scale)
It can prolong a life and was used in making you have the ability of cloning

-It's a scale that's it

(Sorry for it being short and thank you LazyCreature123 for the request)

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