Red velvet x old sister reader

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Your the older sister to Red velvet who went missing after Dark Enchantress appeared as your search for your brother continues you stumbled apon a floating kingdom entering it after some cookies and using a teleporter now wandering the halls of a old and forgotten kingdom till you saw a cookie who looked like a older version with a cake arm of your brother walking up with hesitation he saw you and readied his weapon till he lowered it hearing cakeburus being attacked he left quickly but couldn't get the thought that he knew you

-He would start to remember you when you were kids causing him miss you

-He would use cake monsters to find out about you as it's been so long

-If a cake monster sees you in danger they'll defend you as of Red velvet request

-He'll Start to falter in his tasks and it wouldn't go unnoticed by Pomegranate who would tell Dark Enchantress about his falter

-She would question Red velvet and he would answer with you and how your his sister and is concern for your safety

-Dark Enchantress would make a deal she'll have you join the cookie of darkness if Red velvet did somethings

-After he tasks were completed he went to find and bring you to Dark Enchantress finding the village you were in he broke in and took you

-Now since your in the cookies of darkness your tasked with infiltration areas

-Since your always nearby he'll talk With or to you after every mission

-He'll attempt to also catch up with you as you've been separated for a long time

-As Well the cake monsters will see you like a sibling now

-Red velvet is overprotective of you having cake monsters be around you

-When he and some other cookies of darkness crash a BTS concert you'll be in the crowd

The loyal cake hound of Red velvet

-He'll jump on your lap

-He'll lick you

-He'll bite anyone that's a threat

-Loyal boi

(Thank you to @Saturnussygushy for the request)

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