Langue de chat

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Your a M.E.H officer and bailiff of the court tasked with the safety and security of those inside the courts as you were taking to Almond after am incident with the judge a cookie bumped into you that cookie being Langue de chat a new defense attorney as he got up he stumbled over his words as he picked up the evidence and pet that fell out of his briefcase he was carrying before running off entering a court room for a trial

-How he fell for you was because of you both having a sense of justice

-Your some what if the reason why he became a defense attorney

-He wouldn't stalk you as your an officer and could arrest him easily from this stalking

-He would interact with you at the court house

-If your in the same court room then he'll do his greatest to look good in your eyes

-When he's not busy he would attempt to strike a friendly conversation with you

-Would talk to Almond or Walnut to know you better mostly Almond a you both a M.E.H. officers

-Do to his knowledge about the law he does know how to bend it a bit but is playing safe do to him being new and you knowing it as well

(Case files)
A gift from Langue de chat parents to make his job easier it didn't spiting out any case it didn't like

-It does this commonly

-It doesn't really care about Langue de chat love life

(Thank you to @clzxrr for the request)

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