Timekeeper cookie

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It was a day like any other in the T.B.D but it would soon change as Timekeeper who was making rifts in time saw a cookie that was working in a timeline this made Timekeeper cookie blushed as she look deeper she saw you were a worker for the T.B.D and as time progressed it would be a obsession over a cookie

-Timekeeper would be obsessing over you even in the T.B.D or in the timespace continuum

-Croissant cookie would be concerned as why the her alternative self be here and is following you around but Timekeeper would make more time rifts or give time jumpers to Twizzly gummy cookie to keep Croissant out of her hair

-Timekeeper still tries to convince Croissant to be like her but it's rare

-As for yourside Timekeeper tries to convince you to join her but as Croissants warnings come true you don't trust her nor follow her
as you wouldn't want to mess with time

-Timekeeper would use time to try and convince you to join her saying you could meet your alternate selfs
or can use future technology to aid in helping cookies

-Unknown to you she keeps one thing secret you and her are in a relationship? in the future

-Steals some of your things and would just not elaborate on why to you not Croissant
but she likes to keep them on display where ever she calls home

-She wouldn't kidnapped you
as where's the fun in that as she knows how each scenario will play out and I mean each scenario

-Knows your past to who hurt you to what you look like as fresh cookie even to your future with her

-Speaking as cookies who hurt you there no long around as Timekeeper erased then from existence

-In the end she would just kidnap you as now your hers now as Croissant is unable to find you in time escape is no longer a choice

(Continuum Cog)
It's been with Timekeeper as long it's been alive and follows her still even though this obsession that won't end
it knows it best

-A follower though the stalking and kidnapping of you

-It has sucked up many things even some of your things with Timekeeper going back in time to steal the object again

-It's a crumb disposal unit if Timekeeper physical killed someone and didn't erase them from existence

(Thank you BonneterandPenguin for the request)

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