Red velvet x child reader

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Red velvet found you alone in the forest taking a closer look at you he saw himself in you a child alone as you backed away he asked where's your parents you then explained that they left you in the forest and that you were scared not wanting this child to die ether from starvation or a cake monster he picked you up with his cake arm scared you ask where he was taking you his response somewhere safe

-He does secretly bring you to Dark Enchantress castle/Tower

-You'll be found eventually by one of the cookies of darkness in Dark Enchantress tower/Castle

-They other cookies of darkness are ether confused or angered by a child being in their base

-Red velvet would have to explain why he brought you here then to Dark Enchantresses who has a plan for you

-Most of the cake monsters see you as family same way how Red velvet see them a family

-Chiffon is generally kind to you and likes to play with you

-Most of the cake monsters are protective of you and help take care of you when Red velvet is away

-Cakeburus is the most protective by Red velvets command to protect you

-Your not really allow to leave Dark Enchantress tower/Castle and with cake monsters not letting you by Red velvets command

-Does somewhat teach you how to defend yourself but leave your protection to the cake monsters

-Red velvet does bring you along when he's on a mission or brought along with Dark Enchantress (Ahem Chapter 9)

-Red velvet will keeps you away from the other cookies of darkness

-Will tell you to not trust the order and pastry

(No pet if you count Chiffon)


-They play with a lot

-Red velvet does bring you on Chiffons walks

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