Ninja x Buchaechum dancer reader

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Your a buchaechum dancer known to dance with others big fans in hand one day you and others were preparing for a celebration but you were unable to shake the felling of you being stared from above but when you had to preform on stage it went well a dance of dragons and waves as you left the building to head home you felt the same eyes watching you

-How you got the ninjas attention was though your dance it was mesmerizing to him

-He would stalk you following you in the dead of night from rooftops or from alleyways

-He would watch you through your window

-He would sneak into the theater to watch you preform

-Would leave some notes addressed to you with it talking about how beautiful but the notes would take a darker tone

-Changing to talking about a victim or something worse

-Each note would refer to you as wind dancer, queen lamp, peach, or love

-If you felt scared with this stalker he would back down a bit and leave it pet to it

-If you were in trouble say you were being mugged he would be there taking them out from afar

-If a cookie wanted to sabotage you he'll stop them or assassinate them and frame another cookie he prefers the second option

-He wouldn't kidnap you but others

(Little ghost)
The ghost of a cookie who's helped many cookies escape from the witches house

-They do watch your dances it's entertaining

-If your in trouble they'll rescue you flying in and lifting you away

-They help Ninja avoid getting cought by you

(Thank you to @T3st4cc0unt for the request)

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