Pomegranate cookie x cake monster reader

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Your a cream roll hog reader who is forced to work with Pomegranate cookie on a task to destroy some of the older wafflebots and you don't know why Pomegranate was selected of all cookies but right now you have your roll hog destroying the wafflebots as  Pomegranate congratulated you for the destruction and for your aid in the task a couple of outside cookies from the land below tried to assassinate Pomegranate as you grabbed her and move her out of the way of your raging roll hog starting a fight sometime the fight is over as you lay on the floor tired as pomegranate was healing you and your hog she felt a attraction for you making her question her loyalty to Dark Enchantress

-Pomegranate is questioning her loyalty to her master and is unclear causing fumbles or failing in her missions

-Dark Enchantress takes notice of Pomegranate failings and using her magic she finds out about the mission you had with her and thinks it can be used in some way

-Dark Enchantress would send you and Pomegranate on missions together even when its a scouting mission Pomegranate will not leave your side

-Your sent alone with a couple of pomegranate skelacakes shamans and cake hounds which makes Red velvet not really joyful about it and says that he should come along as well to avoid casualties

-When your attacked on your mission by cookies or a tribe
and return Pomegranate would have a small team to kill the ones who lay a hand on you from the aid of your siblings skelacake bombers and shamans leaving nothing but ashes

-Pomegranate would try and use your roll hog to get in you good graces but doesn't work well

-She has tried to teach you how to use magic but it tends to fail

-She has tried to used her mirror to see your future but is blurred thanks to Dark Enchantress to keep her in the dark about you

-It would take a while but Dark Enchantress would revel to Pomegranate she knows about her love for you and saids that she's not disgusted and think of it as gift for being so loyal to her but explains a plan which makes Pomegranate smile a bit

-You and her were tasked on a mission this mission to destroy the remnants of the dragon skeleton in dragons hill but mid way though you feel something hit you back of the head and passed out
You wake up in a room dressed in pomegranates seeds and the one who owns this room staring right at you with a sinister smile

-Now since you belong to pomegranate you don't really feel safe anymore as she tries and break you

-How would she try and break you well using your siblings is one of them making you watch as you see your brethren fall to the priestess and cookies in pomegranate forests saying she wouldn't that to you and saying all cookies are monsters another one is making you kill your own roll hog but she saves it for last

-If your not broken you would be forced to follow pomegranate agents you will but since your not broken you would somewhat be treated badly but to the extent of you needing to be near her and your not allowed to be near the Ruby Pomegranate

-If your broken she can use you at she leisure as now your hers to the extent for her pleasures

(Ruby Pomegranate)
A sacred fruit it gleams bright with a pure being to try and keep you sane from your pain of Pomegranate

-It would tell you your future to you

-It tries to keep you away from Pomegranate

-If your broken Pomegranate would keep it locked up hidden from you to prevent it undoing her work

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