Ancients x demon k reader

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(This is going over Hollyberry, Pure vanilla, and Dark cacao in cookie odyssey chaper 1)
your a demon child left behind by Dark Enchantress after Pure vanilla and GingerBraves crew came and removed Dark enchantress sadly you were left in the castles dungeons with the souls of old some months later you woke up from a noise that sounded like metal clashing moving a tile underneath a table and looking into the room you saw a dark armored cookie attacking a bright red clothed cookie who was shielding a cookie who went to the table you hid under hungry you bit their leg as you made yourself known after the meeting you were found in the dungeon soon after and approached by the cookie in white

(Pure vanilla)

-The kindest of them he wouldn't harm you and justs wants to keep you safe

- you aren't allowed to leave the castle

-And waffle bots are increased near and inside the castle

-He does want to understand your ability to see spiris

-If you mentioned Dark enchantress he'll look solomy at you

-He does attempt to teach you healing magic and teach you basic education

-He does punish you if you prank someone like a servant if you sneak out of the castle

-Said punishment is being grounded

- he wouldn't manipulate you as your a child


-The kind grandma but is protective

-Where you stay in Hollyberry Manor and not allowed to leave to not scare the public

-Shes possibly the best parent to rise you he does have a grand kid and a son

-You are kept secret from the public and other houses

-You would meet Princess cookie as your now her younger step sibling

-Princess would sneak you out of the manor to come to the jungle which a guard out to find you

-If you mentioned Dark Enchantress she'll have a sad look but slite anger at Dark Enchantress

-Hollyberry would tell tales of her adventures back then or her time fighting a dragon

-Hollyberry wouldn't give you hollyberrien juice as your too young

-Jungle or Royal berry would ask if you've seen their other daughters spirit

(Dark cacao)

-He attempting to show affection with you

-He wish to not repeat the past like his son

-Your kept inside of the castle again but it's to protect you from a wildlife

-He'll keep you away from weapons

-He does task Caramel arrow to protect you

-If you talk to a spirit he'll play along

-If you mentioned a spirit in a helmet he might tell you a story about it

-If you mentioned Dark Enchantress He'll have to hold his anger back

(Thank you DragonCookie_10 for the request)

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