Ananas dragon x fem dragon reader

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(Guess what monster you are)
Your a dragon know for your golden mantle that hinder your ability of flight binding you to an island but your able to breath heat that could melt gold and ores and known to have cookies bring you offerings in exchange for one of your golden mantles this got the attention of Ananas who questioned the truth in this story mango had who flew to your island as he landed he saw a cave with a faint glow inside entering it he saw you sitting on a stone throne then you took notice at the dragon

-How you got their attention would be possibly your gold scales maybe your beauty

-They view you more than gold and even golden dough

-they see you as an equal more than their siblings

-Is able to stalk you easily in the sky as you can't fly and you can't leave your island

-He wouldn't remove you from your island as your in the perfect place for them

-Has visited your island making the Islanders fearful of their presence

-Has brought some gold coins and has left it outside your cave and throne

-They would scare off any sailers that close to your island and by close I mean a distance away

-They trust mango going to your island

-If you attempted to attack them because your territorial with your heat breath he'll just use their ability to geomancy to protect themself

A animal taught by Ananas dragon in the ability to move earth and attempts to mimic a head piece

-Their also curious about you

-They can't really meet you as your both on separate islands

-It maybe can put up a fight agent you

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