Rebel x swordwoman reader

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You a wandering swordwoman who is in search for a cookie said cookie was Rebel cookie one day you were walking on a dirt path when you were attacked by some bandits disguised as bamboo threatening you taking your sword you fought back as more bandits came you were overwhelmed till a dummy landed on one of the bandits then another and another looking up it was Rebel who was on a cloud before flying away with you chasing after him

-He stalks you by flying on a cloud following you to village to village

-If your attacked by bandits he'll hold off but if your out numbered then he'll come to help

-He does make camp when you stop to sleep or to eat

-When you make it to a village he'll disguise himself

-When you sleep at a IN he'll take a room next to you or look at from

-He'll leave small gifts some for you to have

-If a perverted cookie attempted to court you he'll take care or scare them off as your only his

-If you went to Vagabond cookies village then he'll ask Vagabond about how to ask someone out and Vagabond will help giving tips

-He then would use these tips and well it would have mixed rewards

-He would get near you disguised

-When the festival happens he'll join in

-Evenly a rumor would happen saying your cursed or your a killer or the rumor wouldn't exist

-This means your cast out from society and forced stay in solitude

Rebel woke up from a cool breeze seeing windy who was curious on what Rebel was doing when it heard Rebel

-It's unaware that it's joining in on stalking you

-It has made breezes on hot days

(Thank you to T3st4cc0unt for the request)

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