Al+L+TK+E x demon child

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Your an child imp hiding in Parfaedia as one day you were walking the streets heading to the museum you saw the entrance taped up as the ancient cakehound was kidnapped with the rumor that a imp was hiding in the city that could be a help as Almond noticed you with a soul jelly a small imp around the size of Devil cookie you saw him and ran away as you ran he gave chase catching you and bringing you back to the museum Eclair was first believed you were the culprit but with an explanation from Latte that you could help as you used your ability to Sense souls you were able to find who stole that relic of a cake with some help from Tea Knight as the relic was returned to the museum


-He wants to make sure you don't do anything illegal in magic

-He's protective

-He's a dad so he knows how to care for you just ask Walnut

-You would meet his daughter Walnut

-Has arrested cookies that plan to use you (Cough cough random)

-He will get on your case if you use your magic as it's illegal and was only a one time thing

-Will stop you if you attempt to eat a soul


-She's a parent teacher

-She helps in school in and out of class

-She'll let you ride her magic spoon but she'll be low and she will help you with practicing on using one

-She attempts to teach you other magic than your magic as it's more of dark magic

-She won't let you be bullied by others in the school

-You'll meet Creampuff maybe you'll be her friend

-Stops you from eating a soul

(Tea Knight)

-He's the protective grandpa

-He's protective of you like a protective grandpa

-He's new to caring for children

-He would tell stories but will attempt to not scar you with them

-He's nearby and is trusted with you most of the time when the others are busy with their own work

-He has taken you to Eclairs museum

-He stops you from eating souls


-He's the uncle

-Your in the museum with him and Tea Knight

-He's semi able to care for you but is till new

-He'll tell you about every item in the museum if you ask about it

-Your not allowed to steal any soul in the relics if there not a replica

-Stops from eating any souls

(They don't have any pets except for Almond)
(Constable whiskers)
A cat that was able to strut in the M.E.H. precinct like it was nothing the stray then plopped them self on Almonds files and is treated nicely as the hardened detectives soon warmed up to the cat as the operatives and detectives asked if they can keep the cat

-You possibly gave the name if you met Almond earlier

-They like to lay on or next to you

-You can pet them

-NO! your not allowed to eat the cats soul

(Thank you to DragonCookie_10 for the request)

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