Chocolate bonbon + Sourbelt x reader

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Your a upcoming designer know to mix rich chocolate and sourness this got the attention of two know designers both with opposing design and fashions they saw your fashion designs both interested in your work one stepped up the first was Chocolate bonbon she who wanted to talk ask some questions she began to become interested in you after some questions leaving quickly to hide her blush then it was Sourbelt she asked if you could meet her at a cafe and well she couldn't stop blushing though out the encounter


-Both can share you but there is some tension between the two

-Both will kill

(Chocolate bonbon)

-How you gained her affection was though your answers you gave

-She isn't able to stalk as she is a known designer and would be recognized quickly

-She talks to you mostly about designs but as well as friends

-She does plans to have a colab with you with more formal clothes

-When she's not working she'll ask for you too meet her and well she'll treat it like a date

-She has told her old student Mont Blac about you

-She still lets you have a social life but there is still the occasional rival and that she'll keep you away from any she doesn't trust

-How she would take care of her rivals would be with her pet and well no jam on her hands

-She leaves the body disposal to Sourbelt


-How she fell for you was you using sweet and sour in your fashion

-Like bonbon she can't stalk you but is able to with her pet

-She would talk to you and would ask if you wanted to have some if your clothes in her shop A.C.I.D.

-She does plan on having a colab with you making the clothes immune to fire

-She does tell her brother Dino-sour about you

-Like bonbon you still have a social life and she's more lenient with it but keeps a close eye

-If she had to deal with a rival then she'll use her measuring tape and would dispose the bodies with a jellysour


(Bonbon Birdy)
Chocolate bonbons trustworthy feathery helper from everything to sewing it has a sharp needle beak and has never missed

-It has killed pecking the rival to death with its sharp beak

-It helps in the the potential colab

The pet assistant of Sourbelt
they help Sourbelt with making clothes and as well with Sourbelts obsession but it has dropped things

-It follows you with a camera in it's mouth and it could drop it

-When you have the colab it drops supplies and needles commonly

(Thank you scorpioncookie for the request)

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