Birthdaycake cookie

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(Was a while ago it was my) (birthday so here's this for) (you 🎉 🎂🎈 and for going (past 100 cookie chapters) (thank you)
Birthdaycake was doing a birthday party for a friend of yours it wasn't going as planned as your friends were ruining it as her candles started to melt and shrink she felt and pat on her back turning her head she saw it was you smiling and apologized for them being like this caused her candles to began to burn brightly again as she became determined to continue the party just for you

-How you got her eye was possibly with many reasons one was be supportive or for another reason

-She'll have some of her cupcakes follow you to learn what you like and dislike that she'll use in your party when you have it

-Birthday cake has made cakes for you as gifts that she sends in secret to you leaving herself as your admirer

-She'll try and Talk to you as she's wanting to be close with you like really close

-At first she'll be scared to talk to you as she doesn't want to look like she was stalking you

-But she'll get used to it later sometimes saying something you like or about it to start a conversation

-She'll invite you to sparklings bar to chat and for her to talk about her work which she'll try to avoid talking about

-If unable to you'll have to comfort her and help her destress

-When around you her candles fire becomes a bit more brighter and larger

-When you and her walk together she'll have her arm around yours acting like your on a date

-She doesn't mind your friends as long they don't attempt to come close to you

-If a cookie ether though her stalking or in public attempts to flirt with you she'll hold your arm tightly and pouting at the flirter

-How she would get rid of any cookie that's interested in you are going to have a lot of pain

-She'll would use wax to kill or torture her rivals making cuts and dropping hot wax into wounds and would use an incinerator to get rid of crumbs or a body

-When it's your birthday then she'll go all out and attempt to make it the best for her so

-She'll be around you at you party

-She'll also hide in a fake cake before the real one comes out popping out when it comes

-After your party she'll continue to stalk you till she can't handle it anymore

-She'll have her cupcakes come to your home and break in and take you from your home

-when you woke your in a colorful room with pictures of cakes and balloons with Birthdaycake entering it with a smile on her face and a plate of food in her hands

(Party balloon)
It's been with Birthdaycake cookie to get its hands or mouth on jellies and food

-It uses any party to eat food including the one when you met her

-Birthdaycake does task Party balloon with following you but gets to distracted by any food

(Thank you all for reading this book @Everyone)

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