Pastel margarine and Currant cream x designer reader

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Your a punk lolita designer know to mix cute and punk as well friends with Currant cream ever since highschool as one day Currant cream called you needing help on a design as you walked to the split house you were welcomed by Pastel meringue who was quite but tired he welcomed you in then he blushed a pastel red quickly returning back to his room hiding his blush as Currant cream and you began to work on punk design your hand accidently touched Currant cream hand heating up the cookie


-One thing both cookies won't share you but will tolerate the other

-Both would have fights over your

-Both would kill any rival

(Currant cream)

-How you gained her love was back in highschool with you

-She finds you cute in your puffy dress with a punk look

-She would use Pastel margarines pet to keep him away

-She she is a help when it comes to a full punk look

-She does text you as Pastel margarine would destroy any letters he found too you

-When you text her back then she squeal or giggle

-She will peak under your dress do to your dress being short plus maybe some groping in private

-She does visit your shop and would help with designs

-If a cookie is flirting or your dating someone she'll take care of them

-She has killed before or recently and how she would kill would be a sharp pair of scissors or her pet

(Pastel margarine)

-How you gained his attraction is though you looking cute and how you made punk better than his roommate

-He sees you like an equal to him

-He does think you should have a longer skirt (mostly to stop Currant cream from looking)

-He does help on lolita designs but only lolita

-He will ask if you could model some clothes he working on

-He'll send letters to you from his work

-When he visits your he won't enter as he can't enter something punk

-If your being flirted with he'll just drag you away if your already in a relationship he would kill

-How he would kill would be though strangling a cookie possibly beheading the cookie

(Black pinnypine)
Born without spikes it took the opportunity to have spikes by being a pin cushion BUT WHY THO?

-Is helps you by being a pin cushion

-If attempt to remove the pins and needles it'll scurry off

-Currant cream uses them like a shrapnel grenade to kill

The pet of Pastel margarine know to be the cutest pet around just keep it away from any punk plushies

-It's confused by you as your punk but not

-It It's friendly as they do get in your lap

-Currant cream would use a punk plushie to get the dog to show it's true color and to attack Pastel

(Thank you to scorpioncookie for the request)

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