Dragons reaction to you being kidnapped

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(This chapter is headcannon how ever is over when your kidnapped how would the dragons react this uses the age of dragons event and past chapters)

Your from the (*****) kingdom and well your currently kept close by Pitaya until one day some eyes like objects came taking you to a golden palace

-Pitaya would search high and low for you but can't find you

-He would try and get information from cookies (mainly the Mala Tribe) with

-He'll start going mad as he can't find you each day going more and more mad

-When he's told about Longan coming he'll suspect he took you knowing Longans disgust for cookies he plans to take you back

You where on the shore line of lone island that Ananas left you at looking out with a telescope when you hear the water break looking further it was a Palace as you saw things come out when Ananas came he couldn't find

-He would search each island to find you but can't find you
that doesn't have a tribe thinking you used a boat

-He'll interrogate Mango cookie thinking he took you
as he has a boat and knows the seas as well

-Has gone to the extent of threatening tribes to reveal your location but finds statues of tribes people on some islands

-Hes gonna find out Longan is here and is turning cookies to stone he'll agree to work with his siblings just to get you back

It was a calm day in the grounds of the Lotus Palace then cookies fleeing from waves and you as well making it to a boat you were safe you though but you got picked up by a dragonfly taking you to who knows were

-During this event she is unable to find you and is aware of who took you

-Shes is planning to kill anyone just to get you back

-When she's brought to the attention of news that Longans awake she'll be mad to the extent of murder

-Lotus wouldn't stop to think to spare their sibling to get you back

She was busy taking care of a group of cookies that entered her cave you were in the longan palace as Longan had guards knock you out and hid you away when Lychee came back it worried her that she couldn't find you

-Lychee would ask Longan would ask where they have you held but Longan would convince Lychee the Rambutan tribe took you

-The lie would work and Lychee would make the tribe suffer from said lie

-She'll ask in disguise about a cookie that resembles you and if the asked cookie say no or don't know she'll put them on a list to take away

-She'll only find out where you are is from Snakefruit but can't say for sure if Snakefruit would be truthful

You were held captive by Longan as from what you could tell as an object that could be thrown away anytime when Snakefruit plans to use you in his plans
your hidden away from sight

-He doesn't really care as even when his plans work you'll be gone like every other cookie on earthbread

(No pets for this just focusing on the cookies here)

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