Rye x Highway mantis reader

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Your the Highway mantis or a cookie variant of one but never less your a high value bandit rivaling Chilli pepper in bounty till you met a bounty hunter called Rye as you prepared to attack some cookies for their coins getting infront of cookies and pointing you gun at them then a bullet nearly hit you by Rye after that a shootout happened with you being able to hit a trap you set to distract Rye and escape she then vowed to arrest you

-Follows the trail you leave after each robbery or spotting

-Any banks you robbed she'll be their quickly after

-She'll gather info about you though interrogation with cookies and gink goblins

-When you meet Rye it's commonly a shootout at a bank or trail

-Does still try to capture Chilli pepper but you take higher priority

-Whenever Rye meets Chilli pepper do to your bounty rivaling hers she'll help giving info about you from a robbery or a trail your on

-After sometime attempting to arrest you she will spiral into obsession

-She'll start threatening cookies and gink goblins killing some if they don't answer

-Rye would kill other bounty hunters that are after you as she is the only one to catch you

-One day she'll get a tip from a random cookie or thing about you and a bank your planning on robbing making her happy

-When the robbery started she was able to attack you hitting you then tying you up now that she has you you ain't going nowhere

-Your handcuffed or tied and put into a cell in her office

-She'll give you food each one had a sleep drug to avoid you escaping

-After sometime she'll during you to her home now with a cage in her home now in that time but your still cuffed or tied

-She does still drug your food so she can just look at you

-She'll unlock your cuff or untie your ropes so you can wash or use the restroom

-When Rye is chasing Chilli pepper and is unable to chack her you'll have to calm her down

-When you have to rest she'll your handcuff you to the bed post

-If you try and fight her she'll tie you to a post and put a bottle on your head back off and shoot it

-Escape is easy but you'll have to worry as Rye will shoot you in the knee caps (or in other work you lose knee cap privileges)

-When she got you back she'll break your legs ether with a large piece of lumber or bat maybe a cactus

(No pet here)

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