Tiger lily

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Your an adventurer exploring the berry jungle as you went in deeper your felt your nerves tell you to run but knowing it will lead into more danger you continued carefully till you heard the sound of a butter tiger ready to hunt as you immediately ran with reckless abandon as the tiger continued to get closer to unmistakable sounds of a hiss as you were tackled waking up only to find yourself in the hands of a jungle cookie as she struck the ground her pupils dilated with a new attraction

-Sometime but she would realize she has an attraction and she will keep you with her forever

-When she first met you she was confused she's seen other cookies up close and this confusion would grow

-She would stalk you in the jungle as she is accustomed to it making it easy

-She would protect you in secret keeping any predators or cake monsters away

-If you're grabbed by a cookiesnap she'll immediately go to save you riding her butter tiger

-She doesn't know when it comes to social cues and an example is her watching you bathes and doesn't understand that it's wrong

-She still speaks with broken speech

-She has snuck into your camp watching you sleep

-She has gone through your supplies possibly taking some stuff if it's shiny

-You can pet her butter tiger

-When you are going to leave she will leave traps and then would break your leg taking you with her never to be seen again

-Calls you her mate do to her animal nature

-She's the main provider giving you food and shelter plus a tiger guard

-Your can't escape easily unless you want to be hunted by a tiger and a jungle cookie minus your broken legs

(Meat king)
There are stories about a pet still unaware that it is a mouth watering prey believing they're still a king of the jungle

-They still act like their king of the jungle

-Might have bit you

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