Tarte Tartin

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(I finally do a chapter on bloodborn/Monster hunter grandma)
Your a retired dragon hunter now known to be a IN keeper do to your age but every now and then a familiar face comes by said face being Tarte Tartin you met in your younger years as new dragon hunters and have fought together with Hollyberry on the battle field one day Tarte Tartin entered your IN she walked up battered up from a surprise dragon attack as you helped her to a room as she told her tale about her fighting two magma cinnamon wyverns

-How you got her affection would be you and her getting close which spiraled into well . . .this

-She's overprotective of you even in her old age and is the reason why she hunts alone as she isn't trusting of certain cookies

-She commonly visits your IN mostly for medical reasons why and other reasons

-Has stayed in your IN plenty of times and somewhat acts like a second home

-Has commonly joked with you and jokingly flirted with you

-If you have two juice drunk cookies about to fight then she'll take care of it for you

-If someone wanted to flirt with you or wanted to own your in she'll get rid of them

-How she would kill would be if silent a knife or dagger would do if loud and away from the city then her cannon

-When the red dragon attacked she wanted to save you or get you away from the city

-She named her cannon after you and only she knows about it

-In the books written about her as the protagonist you are included as a supportive character or stories of her years your one of the protagonists aswell

(Thank you scorpioncookie for the request)

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