Walnut x street thief reader

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(Before we start just wanted to say this was requested in person by my sibling now that over enjoy)

You're from the streets stealing coins to cash to even wands and selling them to get by to have food and your clothes you've done this each day till you stole from a junior taking the object and the detective was able to get it back after a chase after that she got something for you eat after feeling guilty for you and to talk about why your on the streets she wished to help you

-After the theft from you it grew a small friendship with Walnut but she wants to keep you safe

-Shes kind and supportive (not theft) but is always around you at all times of the day

-Will stop you from stealing or pickpocketing

-She will introduce you to Creampuff and to peppermint plus Chestnut

-You both tend to meet in the park a lot or you visit her at her home

-She'll bring you to the playground so you can meet meet new cookies as you can't enter cookieland do to your stealing

-She might notice injuries on you which she'll patch up but makes her scared for your safety she won't ask so you won't be uncomfortable and sometimes she will

-She'll bring some food like a sandwich and her currant phantom blu case she's working on

-The Little gumshoe still goes after phantom blu but now brings you along to keep you safe with her convincing herself it's best to stop you from stealing or maybe you'll help in the case with your stealing

-After sometime she'll be more protective of you suspecting some cookie are a danger to you

-She'll cling to you more sometimes taking you to her home

-Almond might get concerned about his daughter clinging to you forcing him to separate you from her for a couple of weeks

-She'll try and distract herself ether by doing cases or visiting by cookieland but she'll be concerned about you

-She'll ask Creampuff or peppermint to check on you say so you won't steal anything

-When you see Walnut again she'll be more clingy and seeing you still stealing and hurt she'll blame herself as well

-Drags you around a lot to anywhere

-She'll drag you into cases

(Junior Sleuth Ted)
A close friend when Walnut was working on a case you then stole them with Walnut giving chase

-Was somewhat angry at you for taking it but has soften to you

-Comforts Walnut when she's is panicking

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