Sparkling glitter cookie x Blind reader

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Your a fan of the pop star sparkling glitter cookie but bad news your blind as one day a friend brought you to a concert of sparkling glitter cookie with backstage passes you weren't able to hear the music as the crouch was louder but it was alright when you went backstage you accidentally bumped into sparkling glitter cookie who was angry at first but changed to regret as you explained that you were blind and couldn't see after that she apologized and helped you to your friend and gave a autograph to both of you but a though stayed in her mind a part of the conversation (your the best as you make a bad day feel like it wasn't there and I hope to be like you one day) she's hear this before but now it makes her feel like she can't stop thinking about you after sometime you'll get a letter in braille it says come meet me in park from glitter cookie who were they maybe it's a old friend back then but you couldn't remember but the park was a short walk and when you arrived you heard someone it was sparkling glitter cookie next thing your out cold from a rag covering your mouth as she now has you

-Sparking glitter cookie has now you live with her in her home

-Her home has been modified so you can live with her like an elevator to get to the second floor

-Tends to give new clothes that are made by Sourbelt cookie that have glitter and mimic Sparkling glitters casual clothes in some way

-She'll let you live your life like work but you now you work for her

-She'll sing songs to you old and new or songs that are still being worked on to get your opinion and add references to you in her more recent song's

-If a friend is looking for you there gonna be gone as Sparkling glitter hired someone to take care of them

-If you try and escape she'll punish you with tying your hands up gagging you and putting on sound canceling headphones and leaves you alone for a hour and it breaks her heart to do so

-If you and her are separated
for one reason or another she'll have bodyguard's near by to keep you safe

-You're dragged to her concerts and the press that now think your dating her

(Producer mic)
He doesn't care about you but keeps you around as it help with sales for the concerts Sparkling glitter holds and helps Sparkling glitter with writing songs

-Interactions are rare but quick

-He schedules business meetings with Sparkling glitter but she brings you with her causing him to have bodyguards around just so the meeting can continue

-Suggested the punishment when you first tried to escape and regrets it

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