Es+L+A+Er x scp 49 reader

238 8 9

Your from a far away land known to be skilled with making zombies from uncooked dough through your practice came from experimenting with alchemy and its unique ways you gained a small following through that as you walked through parfaidia after being invited to teach at its school as you entered you met two teachers Espresso and Latte then you met Eclair each one fell for you then Almond when you arrived as you left the museu


-They wouldn't be aware of each others love with yo

-They would find out sooner or later

-They all will not kidnap you here


-How he fell for you was possibly you being interested in coffee magic

-He would give you espresso

-He would invite you to join him at a cafe where he'll always get a espresso

-If your interested in coffee magic he'll help you get a hold of it in exchange you help him in his research

-When he moves to the Vanilla kingdom he'll send you letters about it


-She is kind

-Works well with you

-It would take some time before she realized she is in love with you

-Tends to treat you like a glass figure carefully

-She would give you a latte and would mind with Espresso does it

-She would use her spoon to stalk you

-She would enter your class after the school closed just to leave a gift to you


-Hebis interested about where your from

-Has given interviews with you sometimes giving questions

-Has had recreations of a relic you like made

-He won't tell you about the barriers on the relic's


-He is somewhat protective of you

-Your might have meet his daughter Walnut cookie

-If your connected to a crime then he'll give an interview and would be serious throughout it

-If you committed a crime your still getting arrested

-He wouldn't kill as one he'll get arrested two do you wanna scar the Walnut child


(Constable Whiskers)
A cat that stroles through M.E.H office as if they own the place after it was accepted into the building with Almonds word

-You didn't have any control if the were accepted into the building

-They have slept onto your lap

-They have been in your classroom or room and almost knocked over important potions and viles

(Thank you to huyduc8877 for the request)

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