Caramel Arrow x tengu reader

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It was a cold night as Caramel was watching from her watch tower she saw faint lights in the direction of a river thinking it could be a sign of danger she left her tower her bow and arrow in hand she went twords the light she saw someone sitting near the riverbanks as it became clear that the light was fire and the cookie she was seeing was seemingly fishing while wearing a elegant outfit and parasol to match she was enamored by you she actually freaked out when you disappeared in front her eyes after she blinked once

-She feel in love with your beauty and your ability

-She does stalk you as she can't really close to you or else you'll disappear

-You have pranked her do to you being a tengu but it doesn't sway her away

-She still does watch for dangers from her watch tower

-When shes banished from the kingdom by the snake she will stalk you more

-She would head you your river bank to fish for food not being detoured that you would try and scare her away

-Has left offerings of just fish

-When she and others stopped affagto from the kingdom she be sure to keep your forest safe and to keep you secret

(Thank you to Pigiencookie for the request)

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