legendaries x demon k reader

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(The dragons are not included here)

Your child that was able to escape a attack from Dark Enchantress running into a cave you found a ancient book apon a old throne reading some pages you and practiced and learned the ability of necromancy but you slowly started to become a demon as one day a green cookie found the cave finding your in they saw you using your gained ability not wanting to crumble a child and seeing you weren't a threat for your age they were able to talk to have you leave the cave and sent a message to the other legendaries after telling and having you meet Millennial tree cookie about you each legendary agreed to help with raising you and protecting you from Dark Enchantress maybe the word reached some not so friendly cookies


-They take turns to care for you

-Your brought to each other's location

(Wind archer)

-He doesn't show emotion much but is trying to for you

-He's overprotective of you staying near you as your somewhat of a magnet of fallen spirits

-He is determined to cleanse the forest from fallen spirits for your protection

-Is fearful of you being corrupted by fallen spirits

-He'll give you some jellies and fruits as your a child

-If you use your ability he'll stop you as it's a evil magic

-Is also fearful that you could learn to summon fallen spirits

-He does trusts you with Millennial tree

-He works with Millennial tree in raising you

-He doesn't trust you with Fire spirit and Dark Enchantress

-Is neutral to every other legendary

(Millennial tree)

-he acts like a kind grandpa

-Your trusted with Millennial tree when Wind archer is cleansing the forest

-Millennial tree does give you food with Wind archer and Churro help

-When he's nearby your ability won't be able to work

-You can enter the lily village just that you have to come back at a certain time

-Churro does help in raising you

-Churro is the one mostly stoping you from using your ability when Millennial tree is not nearby

-Has given you his treasure

-Has slowed or stopped the process of becoming a demon

-He doesn't trust you with Dark Enchantress

(Sea fairy)

-A kind soul who acts like a overprotective mother

-You stay at the beach with a handmade hut thanks to Sea fairy and some other legendaries

-When you swim she'll make sure you don't drown nor go out to far

-If you collect any shells and give it to her she'll keep them in her tower

-Has left gifts that are shells or pearls

-If a ship is nearby she'll crash it wanting to keep you away from any dangers

-If a cookie came to the beach she'll make sure they don't harm or crumble you or else

-If your hungry she'll collect some fruits from trees for you

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