Plum and Peach x reader

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How you know Plum and Peach was by coincidence you were wandering the bamboo forest looking for a clearing to set up camp and to sleep till getting near a oddly large bamboo sprout you were attacked by a bandit tripping you falling to the ground they were about to crumble you and steal your bag then out of nowhere they were knocked over by Peach a small fight happened but after that she brought you to a large temple taking you inside you met Plum and General Jujube you then asked the old General if you could stay here and he agreed on some conditions you help around the Dojo unknown to both of you and the General both Plum and Peach were infatuated with you to be protected and it caused a rivalry between the students

-He's commonly serious but around you he's more serious

-You technically are pushing him to train further

-Tends to think of you a lot even when not training

-Has trouble meditating as he can't keep his mind of you

-Has attempted to train you but it's limited as he's trained since youth

-Stares at you a lot of the time when your not looking

-Cooks food most of the time making of equally portioned meals with no sweets in it

-Helps you with tasks around the dojo

-Some what stalks you in the dojo though sometime getting caught by you or Peach and having to make an excuse quickly

-Stops Peach from making some advances

-Overly protective of you when you leave the temple/Dojo staying close to you

-Has killed Killing several bandits in the bamboo forest cleaning the jam off by a nearby river

-Commonly laid-back but near you they act a bit flirty or pervy

-With you around she begins to train harder than ever

-Attempts to cook but is bad making food that has too many flavors that over well everything

-Has made comments to you while you do landry saying things like "Looking at my undergarments I don't mind"

-Tends to flirt with you but it varies from Pervy to flirty or a mix like "I like my bed but I rather be in yours"

-Tends to "accidently" hit you back or your butt with her bo staff

-Has written letters to you but plum gets rid of the quickly

-Overprotective of you like plum but only in public

-Has killed mainly bandits and the bandits that attempted to rob you

(Master Prune)
Master Prune was the first one to teach martial arts don't be fooled he has things left to teach

-Mainly doesn't talk much to you as he mainly trains Plum

-Helps Plan stay focused on training

-Has teached you a small trick or his

(Dumpling panda)
A old dumpling seller and mistook Peaches leaf for bamboo after scolding they give free dumplings to peach

-Gives dumplings to you for free

-If you wear something that looks like or is a leaf they might bite it

(This chapter is for @malak_Khaipd303)

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