Earl Grey x k reader

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Your a child who was taken in by Dark enchantress during a storm taken to the Grandmaster hotel and met Earl Grey it took some time with him to have to trust him during this he felt and parental feelings with him feeling you were given a bad hand like Chess choco

-How he gained your trust was easy and simple

-He treats and sees you like his own along with Chess choco

-He is overprotective of you having you near by and some away from Chess choco believing they are some what of a bad influence

-Does have outfits made for you that semi look like his just smaller

-If he needs to he'll have you near some of his trusted workers when he's goes to Dark enchantress room

-Said trusted workers all find you adorable unlike Chess choco who they've seen in empty halls holding hands and staring at them asking to play with them

-Each worker would help in their own way

-The cleaner finds you adorable and acts like a nanny for Earl Grey

-The Chef would teach you how to cook and let try some test recipes

-You might share a room with Earl Grey or Chess choco if with them he'll have copy of the key or have the locks removed if with Earl Grey he'll give you a set of keys to the room

-Has made sure the hotel is still clean even with three children in it

-Is disappointed if you steal his glasses or other cookies stuff and would give a punishment like being grounded

-When the time comes for Gingerbrave and others to be captured in the hotel Earl Grey with keep you away from it

(Crying saucer)
It continuously follows Earl Gray still to this day now with a child here their more scared you'll break something

-It's scared you might break something so the follow you along with Earl Grey

-If you and Earl Grey are in separate rooms they'll follow you as you could break things on accident

(Thanks to Just_a_Kat_Cat )

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