Clotted cream and Financier x dragon k reader

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Your a dragon a secret you hold from the Créme republics elders ether by covering your eyes with you hair or a scarf to hide your sharp teeth but it came out to two cookies Clotted cream and Financier that day you were walking down the street and bumped into both cookies as both looked at you they saw you sneeze fire shocking both of them scared you began to run with them giving chase till they cornered you in a alley as they stepped closer Clotted cream began to comfort you taking you into a hug and telling you it's ok

(Clotted cream)

-Keeps the secret that your a dragon from others cookies and the elders

-Thanks to his connection in the republic he's able to stop most cookies from getting to the truth by tricking the elders to target that cookie

-Does Listen in on the elders meetings do to him being a member of the convocation of elders to know if your endanger or not

-Has given you a scarf similar to his coat/skill but it lacks the same fire power of his for your protection

-Might be able to get you into a better school

-Will act as help with education as you're a kid

-Helps you with speech as he's practiced a lot back then to speak to crowds and being a ambassador for the republic

-He might introduce you to his little (*Cough* adoptive *Cough*) brother Custard cookie iii to play

-You somewhat aided in him seeing his mother in a way


-Does keep your secrets safe and protects you from danger

-Is serious about protecting you similar to Clotted cream

-Is Clotted creams bodyguard she's able to see you commonly with Clotted cream

-might get you into the paladin academy school ether for better education or to learn to defend yourself

-Is the best at caring for kids including you

-Does let you try raisin jellies from the raisin village it might be bitter

(No pets found)+(Thanks DragonCookie_10 for the request)

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