Burnt cheese

421 7 5

It was a normal day as Burnt cheese was guarding the gate with his jackal he heard the sound of some coming at him turning to the runner with weapon in hand he saw it was you a civilian of the city as you came up to him and began to talk viruses came and attacked you and him as he began to defend you with all his might

-Lets get a big one done your digital like him and everyone else

-He is protective of you wanting to protect you from most dangers

-You can pet his jackal companion

-He wouldn't kill as he a guard and protects the city

-He can't stalk you as he is guarding the city gates nor does he send his jackal to so either

-He has weighed your heart and it's pure so good job pal

-When you bugged out he immediately goes to get Mozzarella cookies help to fix this and so you don't bug more

-When the city is put to rest till his new cake war is over he'll be right next to you

(If you count his jacket yeah but here nah)+(Thank you to CokeAddictK for the burnt request)

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