Vagabond cookie x reader

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You found him sleeping in your fields as you tried to wake him with the poke of the handle of your tool he woke up apologized and with a short talk he left unknown to you he's seen you at the festival selling at the market or helping cookies with storing food months before the festival helping with storage as he left and got back to his home he continued writing a story for you

-He would come over to tell you stories he's made just for you or give gifts made with reeds that he made with love and affection

-He has sung songs to you while you tend to the crops

-When in public he'll tell stories that have nods to you
from your color of hair as a field of grease to your eyes color being lanterns at night

-He refuses to harm anyone
as he wouldn't want to lose you or to have Rebel cookie
finding the truth

-Instead he manipulates with his charisma and stories

-When the festival is arrives he'll join you after the parade to celebrate

-When Rebel cookie comes back to his village and get the time to talk Vagabond won't stop talking about you

-When Rebel comes aware of Vagabonds love for you as thank last time Rebel will help get things for him to give to you

(Yakgwa Pupper)
A pup found by the Yakgwa village you were the one to give the name to the lost pup

-When Vagabond comes to you the pup is not far away

-They have dug in your fields
but a jelly bone stops them from digging more

(Thanks to Meg-Draws-Stuff for the request sorry for it being short)

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