Snake fruit

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(Before we start I gonna need to say something they have two skills one for average play and one for raid run lastly they have a snake lower body for this story as we don't know what is lower body is k . . . K)

Your a follower of Logan dragon cookie acting as one of his guards possibly is only of the Logan palace you do your duty diligently gaining the interest of a snake called Snake fruit cookie who has plans that have to do with you in a way

-Does stalk you with their ability to become a snake slithering on poles to follow

-When they are unable to stalk you they'll have some snakes to secretly follow you

-When not stalking you They'll talk to you sometimes coiling his tail around your spear

-Does know some non lethal poisons and venoms some to make you drowsy to be less aware of his doings others to boost your awareness

-Has put some poisons in your drink to put you to sleep and coiling around you sleeping with you

-Has said they needed warmth when you woke but is many excuses

-Does have night terrors about failing to not become a dragon so seems into your room

-When some cookies break into the palace you tend to take care of the intruders fast but Snake fruit does send some snake guards to help you

-Plans to become a dragon to clam and have you become his forced partner

-Logan is aware of the plan and why the plan was made and doesn't care as their'll just destroy him easily

-Tends to follow Lychee or ask them about their ability to hypnotize cookie but it's rare

-Keeps Gingerbrave and crew out of your patrol route

-Does become a dragon but is defeated by Logan pretty fast

(Ivory scale fan)
A fan adorned with the finest of feathers and dragon scales making it light weight it allowed it to create whirlwind

-It help hide Snake fruits smile or Blush near you

-It creates whirlwind Sometimes something is flung at you

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