Expresso cookie

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(yup I'm doing the tumbler sexy man)

Your from the Cream Republic as you left long ago with Expresso cookie who has a love for you but when you met again Expresso was asleep in the halls of the academy as you had to take him to his room to sleep
when Expresso cookie woke up he saw you a hidden joy flooded in him to see you again after a long time after you two went you separate ways

-How Expresso cookie fell in love was when you two where young as a crush but it changed as he and you got older as he's seen the loss of life in the streets with you and seaweed cookie he didn't want to see you die

-Now that Expresso seen you again he's not wanting you to die now after now seeing you after such a long time

-Mainly still in his lab but now motivated to make the greatest expresso for you as well to continue his research

-Expresso is still a perfectionist and tries to make your meetings perfect

-Protective of you and would try and modify his schedule 
to join you in your activities

-He's still well respected in his field as cookies will learn about you being a friend of his and would try and talk to you with Expresso staying close just to stop people from socializing with you or to him wanting to keep you to himself

-Madeline cookie doesn't know about you and Expresso wants to keep it like that

-If Madeline did find you and found out your from the republic as well then he would try and be friends and would be surprised that your friends with Expresso cookie who never mentioned you in any conversation that he had with Expresso

-Expresso would show more emotions to other's but mainly you which makes latte happy about but is concerned about something at the moment that revolves around another cookie

(They don't have a pet)

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