Parfait cookie

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Your a well-known cosplayer dressing up as popular characters and would have small streams every now and then in costume but one day when Parfait was out to preform hers she met you dressed as her favorite character when she approach she was impressed showing you to her stream after her stream she spoke to you saying she loved the cosplay and had a conversation over streaming and music then you gave each other your numbers as she told you to join in on one of her streams little did you know she was a fan of yours and meeting you in person she couldn't stop blushing after words and wanted to meet more

-Likes to join in on your cosplays with your help with certain pieces

-She secretly really likes the cosplays that show your dough more

-Does know where you live from you inviting her once to there to help her get set up for one of her albums

-Has put a camera and bug in your room to see you more and hear you more

-When she has to spend the night with you she would be in your bed cuddling you in bed acting like the big spoon

-Has gone though you costumes or landry (you pick)

-Has cought most of your streams you've done and she clips she likes in a folder with pictures of you

-Would hang out with you on stream constantly blushing however would like to you saying "Oh it's just some makeup blush"

-Some of her fans might notice her blush near you or how she looks at you and you might get shipped with her

-She'll notice and ether one flip out worried her secret might get out trying to prevent you from knowing or two she lets them stay looking at some when she's not busy and imagine a future with you thanks to the pictures and would just say "Fans always do crazy ships nothing to worry about"

-Has many thoughts about you and her some sfw some not so much

-She does show you some music she's working on from lyrics to even performance

-The song Everything You Need was made for you before you met and when she first found you online and gained the obsession after that a voice tried to speak but was over shadowed

-Most of her songs don't have references to you as your a popular cosplayer and that most of her fans see you on her streams

-You do help her when she needs help with her costume and makeup (contacts are hard sometimes)

-You do help make costumes for her albums like blue and pink

-She does invite you to her concerts so you can see her you always have a backstage pass and VIP spot when your invited

-She does try and join in what you do in your spare time as she want to spend time with you though many parts of her is still ignoring that she's obsessing over you

-Killing isn't really there as she's not wanting to hurt cookies just wants to show you affection to you just hugs and kisses for you and only you

(No pet here)+(Jayden_SamaChan for the request)

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