Longan dragon cookie

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How you met was by his choice to destroy your village and became interested in you when you tried to attack him with a simple sword finding your bravery and took you with him in stead of turning you in to one of many statues that populates the village now

-Longan isn't really nice to you your more like a pet to them actually they wants to get rid of that bravery you have for you to be there servant

-The ways they will do this is by manipulating you with freedom and the getting rid of that freedom and forcing you to see the destruction of cookies by his command but you still persevered you still clinged to your bravery

-If you try and attack them then they'll just show who's stronger and then have longan eyes watching you waiting for you to do it again to turn you to stone

-You're given food Longan cookie it's a monster but it's mostly made of logan fruit
plus most of your clothes now look likes Logan cookies

-Snake fruit cookie does know about this and is planning to use you in his plan possibly as a bargain chip but Longan cookie is aware and keeps you close possibly with eyes or guard's at hand for you and to squash any hint of bravery

-then there's Lychee cookie who mainly acts like child near you and a cookie that was kidnapped by Lychee cookie who says there from a tribe off a tropical island

-Gingerbrave and crew don't find you as Longan cookie put you in a hidden spot out of the way of anyone find who can't fly get to with some other cookie but you were able to see other dragon's and what happened to snake fruit cookie

(Dragon eggshell clam)
They met you when Longan cookie took you to his palace now Dragon eggshell clam doesn't think your greedy but thinks your somewhat weird by you staring at them

-There protective of you as told by Longan cookie to keep a eye on you

-They don't like it when you look at them for long periods of time if you do the bubble are soon to come

-They will put you in a bubble when you enter a area you ment to go to accident or not

+Thanks to rennaque47 for the request

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