Spinach cookie

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How Spinach cookie met you was by through sandwich cookie as she saw you when she was giving some vegetables to the shop and that when she saw you a cookie got her attention as she couldn't stop thinking about you with her and the next day she had the bravery to talk to you she talked about what you were interested in and it was gardening which confirmed her love for you

-Spinach cookie has a love for you that matches her love for vegetables she grows

-Since you like gardening she would come by and join you in it as with you as well you'll would be helping her in the vegetable shop she runs

-Spinach cookie would use any chance she get with you to try and get close to you

-She would manipulate you that cookies besides ones she trusts are dangerous as some cookies will destroy you garden and use you just to get something from you but you can trust her right?

-The manipulation would take time to make you believe her more but during those times if you were talking about a cookie that treated you badly or in general a cookie she thinks can't be trusted there never found again

-Spinach cookie would hid the body's in her garden and would use the body's as fertilizer for her veggies and sprouts

-Spinach would ask of you to live with her as the manipulation has done it's part and your are having trust issues to new and old cookies you knew to her it's a dream come true when you agreed

-You move in and she's having uncontrollable glee she has with a cookie who just had there first vegetable

-Now that you basically live with her she would introduce you to cookies she trusts the most those being Strawberry cookie, Herb cookie, Carrot cookie, Cauliflower cookie each one reaching different to you and that you with Spinach when you talking to them

-Strawberry cookie would be confused at first but would warm up to you and would see you like a figure like Spinach cookie

-Herb cookie would be friends with you either because you knew each other already or is glad that you and him share a interest in gardening and is aware that Spinach is in a relationship with you based on what she said

-Carrot cookie is just glad that she's has a new friend who works just as hard as her with plants

-Cauliflower cookie would be greatful that she has a new cookie to help with her study's and work

Caterpea was told by Spinach when he was chomping down on some tomatoes she had given him and when they met you in person they didn't care

-Caterpea is kind but doesn't really care on what you do

-Caterpea has tried to eat the garden you made and it had eaten some of your plants but doesn't do it much since Spinach cookies veggies taste much more better to him

+Thanks to Voidstar126 for the request

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