Sourbelt x Dancer reader

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Your a dancer but in need of money so you took the job of being a model for a well known clothes maker and the one who made your clothes Sourbelt as you arrived she welcomed you and told you about what to do as she took measurements and prepared the needed fabric she couldn't help but notice you were beautiful up close to her and was asked what you do and you answered your a dancer which reminded her of something with the modeling progressed she finally finished the clothes as you were leaving shouted your name and gave you the clothes as a thanks

- since you work for her conversations are common
and tend to have small flirts in it from her

-As her model shes able to see your body a lot which makes her blush a lot

-Even when she knows your measurements she still takes them as a chance to touch you more

-After working for her for awhile you'll be a runway model a couple of times to the dismay of sourbelt as she had to have someone be the runway model and you fit best

-outside of work she's finding more about you with the aid of her pet and a small device

-Shes seen you dance and is impressed as the clothes she made hold up and has made clothes that hold up more to more active movement

-When Chocolate bonbon and her talk she'll talk about and how her clothes hold up to your skills to her rivel

-when dinosour comes and need her to make clothes for someone she'll make but asks for something for in return a dino egg for you

-when she gets the egg she'll give it to you and would help take care of it

-She's has killed and gotten rid thank to carnivore dinosours to dispose of the crumbs and body

-Shes quite stalkerish to the extent where she'll hide trackers on your clothes so she can find where you live
again her pet comes in handy to take pictures of you

The pet assistant of Sourbelt
they help Sourbelt with making clothes and as well with Sourbelts obsession

-They help in ways in stalking with it being able to hide a camera in it which it doesn't mind as it's harder to drop it

-It has dropped things on you by accident and apologies by giving you a small shiny rock

-They help hatch the egg you have

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