Capsaicin x acrobatic reader

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You are the most flexible cookie in Scovillia known to bend without snapping
making you respected by many as one day during the tiple cone cup you were resting in the Scobillia quarters two other students entered talking about Capsaicin and how he gonna win from being more sericus this year for sure as the two students then began to talk about a rumor in the school the Capsaicin has a crush on someone and how he is trying to win them over by winning

-How he fell for you was your acrobatics is he was vary impressed

-He would stalk you in the school

-He would attempt to hang out with you as friends

-He Will still tell you that the chains are still just an accessory

-He does attempt to perform some acrobatic moves like you

-He help in some of your acrobatics

-Then there's his fans they ship you with him

-Some might help unknown to him

-He wouldn't kill as he's changed he isn't a monster anymore

-When the triple cone cup happens he use this as a way to impress you

-If he won he'll have a confidence boost and might ask you out

-If he lost he'll blame himself and will lower his confidence where he won't be able to look at you

(No pets in the building here)

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