Black Pearl cookie x ancient reader

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Your a ancient know for traversing the seas you protect and today is not any different day traveling the sea as you plan to stop what is the sinking ships in the duskgloom seas as you got further in the seas you avoided being sunk several times but then after all that the ship was hit with something as it sunk a cookies hand came up and grabbed you by the waist dragging you to deeps below as deeper you go you see eyes then it reveals a cookie who was smiling with a sinister smile

-Black Pearl only knows of you thanks to cookies that enter her domain when she starts sinking their ship the cookie yells it's your name cookie attacking or to save them she grew curious and explored other seas and found you fighting some pirates some how she gained attraction you know the rest by now

-If a ship enters her waters then their sunk with a whirlpool or face it in person

-She doesn't know about the other ancients but if she sees them she'll treat them like any other ship she sunk

-She did steal your soul jam luckily she hasn't broken it but is threatening the thought if you don't lesion to her demands her demands stay in duskgloom seas and with her

-Where your soul jam is well it's in the boat that still in good condition where on the boat the captain quarters right on a shelf

-She'll poke and prod you with small objects from planks of wook to a sword as she'll laugh at your suffering

-Black Pearl might change to a normal cookie size to tease you with a chance to escape or flee but it's just a trick as you escape she'll change size and capture you again

-she has gone to the extent of tying you to a mast of a old ship and cutting you with sharp objects like swords, her  triant, or glass from broken pictures or windows

-When the other ancients can't find nor hear of you they'll look for you but can't find you and possibly a cookie might tell the ancients they found your ship broken and with the crew gone

-She tends to keep you nearby or in eyes view so you won't escape or tied to a mast

-If you did manage to get out of view she'll be mad searching for you and she'll find you as she knows the waters best

-If you did manage to avoid her long enough then she go go into a rage in a attempt to find you but before you might leave the waters she'll destroy your soul jam killing you in the process she won't morn your passing but is is struck with a pin of guilt with her as with you nearby it reminded her a old friend

(The pet is lost at sea or in a whirlpool)

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