Ninja cookie

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Your a youxia (A wandering vigilante or mercenary) heading to place to place and working for many people as you track down a cookie called Ninja a cookie who my have connections to Leek cookie unknown to you he's been following you for sometime till one night when a group of bandits attempted to attack the supply caravan you were hired to protect with Ninja taking care of some and leaving some to see how you fare and he was impressed he  follows you more through harsh forests and bamboo as he gains a attraction for you

-When you arrive at a town or village he's there staying out of sight may have rent a room next to yours in an IN

-While at a IN he would still stay out of sight and might look at you sleeping though your window

-Gifts are common as he leaves one at your door each town the present a shuriken and a note saying a component about you but the compliments would soon change

-You may have some fans in towns and would use this to blend in

-If one of your "fans" get too touchy there no longer there the next day or are terrified as the spoke about a shadowy figure threatening them

-When your traveling he's not close behind If your traveling with a caravan he'll possibly hide with in the caravan in a box or from a distance

-When you make camp he would watch from afar with some jellys to eat

-When he's not following you he'll make sure you don't find Leek cookie as it's your goal to find him

-Would leave note telling where himself or Leek cookie might be going to as so you move away for Leek cookies location

-Any cookie that knows Leeks location is delt with at to not let you know

-As word spreads about the killings and of threats your seen as cursed by villages forcing you to live away from the public

-At this time the notes would change from complements to ramblings about you from your smell to your weapon you would also notice some objects are left and are taken

-He refuses to let you see him as he's content with watching you from afar

-In the end he keeps you in a goose chase as to keep you for himself

(Little ghost)
A small ghost from the witches house and helped many cookies escape now they wish to help you stay safe

-Helps Ninja by telling him if there's an attacker that wishes to harm you

(Thank you @sm0rez for the request+sorry if it's short)

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