Cotton candy x shy reader

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Your shy keeping to yourself staying quiet yeah that type as one day you where at the grocery store getting groceries and some wafer paper as you reached for it your hand touched another cookie looking up your eyes met Cotton candy whose face heated up like cotton grabbing the paper and leaving she couldn't stop blushing when she got back home she got to writing in something personal about you and her dreams and fantasizes

-Cotton candy would stalk you hiding among cookies with clothes to hide her identity

-Knows your schedule to work to chores to freetime you have and how you spend it

-Would take pictures of you on her phone and print them for a "special reason"

-She would try and talk to you wanting you to get out of you shell more and to make you comfortable with her

-Would attempt to hang out with you and you possibly get comfortable with her

-Would invite you to meet ups with other cookies she trusts that won't take you away but would stay near you

-Attempts of flirting are common and you might blush or shut down which might make cotton candy happy or sad based on what you do

-Gifts are also common with gifts being made out of cotton candy shaped like small animals or hearts

-Has given you plushies that have a bug in them but not all of them just three the rest are comfort

-Would ask if you want a letter as many cookies wanted letters from her

-If you declined she would be sad but would be semi grateful with reason

-Would have a pile of crumpled letters to you as to her each one isn't good enough for you but she can't bare to throw those out

-Each written letter was made with thoughts and jam

-Would write about her day with you if you interacted or calls, texts, ECT in a private journal

-She would write about you with her and her fantasize like a knight in shining armor or even those lewd ones (I'll let you think about that)

-Has a small shrine to you in the corner in her room with pictures and objects with time and dates that she holds dearly ether for sentimental value or for reasons

-Has a list of cookies that flirted with you or friends of your that like you a bit to much for her liking

-Won't kill your family only those who know about the killings as she want to meet them and get in their good graces

-Would stalk her "Rivals" knowing things to make eliminating them easier from their work to schedul

-Has killed any "rival" that gets in her way with you

-How would she kill is by her pen and repeated stabbing at the head, chest, and legs coating her pen in jam then disposing of the body by making it ash

(Cotton candy bird)
A post office bird that's sent out to deliver love and misdelivered a letter once take a guess whose

-Delivers letters for Cotton candy

-Missed one delivery for Cotton candy but she is glad they did

-Cotton candy helps Cotton candy bird with letters which Cotton candy uses to stalk her "Rivals"

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